Holy Unicorn Of course, Cash Shop (Item Mall in NA) equipment can do this too, but Ice Burner pieces slightly surpass their Cash Shop counterparts due to their stats and looks. Ice Burner sets are Avatar/Costume items, meaning that they aren't normal equipment and can be worn over your old ones.
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2 NEW Ice Burner sets, and another costume set for Noah is here! Players may also purchase an Ice Burner Trial Package from the Item Mall, which contains one normal ice burner, along with a Trial Cube which contains a 1-day version of the respective Ice Burner set. They are only sold (as stated above) during certain events or new item releases. What are Ice Burners? #elsword #ice burner #set effects are up on elwiki too for those curious. Os artigos em azul escuro requerem tradução, pois ainda estão em inglês. Set Equipment Stats: 5 Pieces: Salvatore Gaia How do I use Ice Burners? In the Solar System, ice is abundant and occurs naturally from as close to the Sun as Mercury to as far away as the Oort cloud objects. Once you have purchased it and placed it in your inventory, you need to manufacture "Ice Sculptures" from the alchemist. This page was last edited on 27 January 2021, at 03:03. An Elsword multi-purpose bot that gives you Elsword KR/Babel updates/NA&KR PvP Ranking board and more! Follow. Elpheus Sjoko-pizza på vei ut av lavpriskjedene - fvn.no. Ice Burners are items that can be opened in order to obtain randomized rewards, such as Ice Burner costume sets, Titles, Magic Amulets, and other useful items. Shaviana Truffles, Mechanic General Ice Burner (Eligos) An Ice Burner with a chance to obtain costumes and accessories from the Eligos set. This wiki is currently maintained by anybody. Everyone demands love and peace in their life. Celestial Master, Salvatore Rosso Chess - Arena Masquerade HP +?%. Salvatore Ebalon Royal Servant/Royal Maid Ice is water frozen into a solid state. 2% chance to inflict Cold Mist when attacking, Chance to Proc Fire El-Enchanted Element +2%, Critical +4% Ice Burner sets are incredibly rare sets and are considered to be the most valuable item in the Ice Burners. El Search Party Officer Berserker (Title) Sacrifice (Title) OR MORE.

Very rarely is an Ice Burner set re-released. What are Ice Burner Sets? El Shard with the power of fire.